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The light is set to naturally dim over a period of 30 minutes automatically turning itself off after the timer had run out.

The flowers were created by 3D printing a mould and casting Silicone

The Product's base was 3D printed, sanded and then finished with a layer of white primer.

The Button was also 3D printed and functions as 3 different buttons.

The organic shape of the stems was created by sculpting epoxy putty by hand

Final Product


These were the three main concepts for the floral nightlight Lunacinth


The stems of the product are created using 16mm acrylic tubes (hollow center diameter: 12mm), these are held together with acrylic cement.

Although several leaves fell off the stems were finished using metallic finish spray paint.

By moulding milliput by hand a slightly more organic shape was produced, the leaves were also shaped by hand

The stems are made of hollow acrylic so that the wires can be fed through


The following was coded in Arduino for use with an Arduino Uno and uses no external libraries.

© 2017 by Katrina Leigh.

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